Radar Information and Tutorial

The slider goes from 0% to 100%. The higher the percentage the more opaque the radar sounding is. This means that you will not see the map. If you have a low percentage then the radar sounding will be lighter with a darker map showing through. The percentage that comes up is 75% and that is thought to be a good mix between seeing the radar and the map.

Enlarge / Reduce
You can use the (+) to enlarge the scale of the map or the (-) to decrease the scale of the map.  You can also use the wheel on a wheel mouse to change the scales up or down. You can even enlarge the scale enough to see even see your street. Have fun changing the scales to see the radar you need to see.

Positioning the Map
If when you are enlarging or reducing the scale and you loose the Brantford part of the map, you can simple put your mouse cursor over the map, press the left mouse button and drag it to the position that you want.  NOTE: When each map loads in your website, Brantford appears exactly in the centre of the map.

Animation Button
When the map loads, it is already in animation mode. In other words the radar will move. If you wish to shut of the animation, just click the animation button. When animation is off, you will see the time of the last slide on the right had side. If you want to start the animation again, just click the button.

Close Up View
You can enlarge the maps as above to view a close up of the part of Brantford you are interested in and view the radar progress, type of precipitation. The resolution will be a little less of the radar loop, however, still a good analysis tool.